Some major surgery – Cracked glass, the sequel… (part 2/2)

Today, the glass divider was replaced for free by Ruud from Here’s how it was done.

Placing the new glass divider

First thing to do was to make sure all silicon glue was properly removed that was still there from the old cracked divider. Then a new piece of glass was cut to size. At each side it was kept around 1,5mm too short, to allow for the silicon glue to sit between walls and divider to prevent it from cracking again.

Then silicon glue was applied to the base of the divider, and the divider was placed inside. Next, the sides where glued and the divider was fixed with a piece of tape to dry.

The new glass divider is glued in place and looking good (and no cracks this time :) )

The new glass divider is glued in place and looking good (and no cracks this time 🙂 )

Within a few days I’ll start to fill the paluarium with water for the first time, to make sure all is water tight before I start glueing in other stuff.

One Response to Some major surgery – Cracked glass, the sequel… (part 2/2)

  1. Pingback: Some major surgery – Cracked glass, the sequel… (part 1/2) | P A L U W E B . N L

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